Thursday, November 6, 2008

Making memories

So here goes, my life is chaotic as usual, but this month there is somewhat of a lull because the after-school activities have ended for a time. We are home together several nights a week, and we don't know what to do with each other! Tonight, John and I focused on buying a privacy fence to partition off an area of our yard for our dogs. Kingston has found himself in trouble with the law, and since my husband has an aversion to going to trial, he plead guilty to a lesser "dangerous dog" charge. Therefore, our poor boy must be seperated from society....forever!!!!

Ah well, at least all the dog poop will be in one area, right? And maybe we can grow grass again! It could always be worse! ****John is convinced that there is some black cloud following us around. He said, "Why does it always happen the hard way for us?" I told him that if it was easy, it would never be so memorable.


R of TRME said...

So true! Someone told me today that if parenting was so easy the world would be overpopulated. :)

Andrea McKay said...

Free Kingston!