Friday, October 16, 2009


Last night at our dinner table, the subject of Halloween came up.  Ben is thrilled to be a scary thing this year; his costume is the Grim Reaper, and he has been haunting the household ever since he got it.  Blair is, of course, going to be a beauty pageant queen with a sash and everything.  She has let it be known that she must have a really big crown, because she is going as the beauty queen that wins.   Bree wondered out loud what she should dress as this year which sparked a conversation with John about how old is too old to trick or treat. (My philosophy is that if you dress up, you can get candy.)  So then John, reminiscing about his childhood, says, "One year my brother, Jason, decided he was not going to go trick-or-treating.  Man, he regretted that the next day!"  Bree asks, "Really?  How old was he?"  Without missing a beat, Ben pipes in, "Thirty-two."
Ah, they crack me up!

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